
(+216) 70 018 424


who we are

Welcome to BTS-BANK

Put your investing ideas into action with full range of investments. Enjoy real benefits and rewards on your accrue investing.


our features

We're Certified

Has certifications in financial analysis and investment, finance, and digital currencies.

We're Secure

The safest liquidity rotation platforms with real-time monitoring.

We're Profitable

Real-time profit generation with both small and large investments

Collaboration Crypto & AI

Expert knowledge in artificial intelligence and crypto is shaping the new world

24/7 support

24/7 support for your investments with the best specialists.

We're global

BTS Bank is always with you, and our large family spans from the US to the Middle East.

We Were Always Thinking Global Community

We have always believed that in the new world, life will be intertwined with artificial intelligence and digital currency. Our services are currently being developed to help you enter this new world, and we are proud to offer the best services in the fields of artificial intelligence and digital currency. Having a large family helps us reach our goals and makes our services life-changing for people around the world.

Smart and profitable

We are always with you

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filling critical data

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getting started

Design is an evolutionary process, and filler text is just one tool in progress your pushing arsenal

FAQ section

Frequently Asked Questions

We have an income generation system through referrals, and in various situations, we will have continuous collaboration with you by bringing in new investors on your behalf.

BTS Bank is the first investment bank specializing in cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence. Here, we fund experts in the fields of crypto and AI, execute valuable projects, and share the profits with investors.

At BTS International Bank, we make it possible to create capital by evaluating valuable and reputable projects after they pass various assessments. We participate in executing different projects and also attract various investors to ensure profitability for our investors.

Currently, BTS Global Bank has three branches in the UK, Denmark, and the UAE. We prove our security through instant profitability and operations worldwide.

You can entrust your desired investment to us. This investment will be locked in your wallet on the website, and at specified times, you will receive your profits based on your chosen plan.

Typically, since the selected projects go through several stages of evaluation, the failure rate of projects is nearly zero. However, if a project is concluded, there will be no problem for the investor, as the investor will have a contract in place to protect their interests.

Your investments remain in our custody, and you will automatically receive profits through the system. We typically do not accept projects with long execution times, or if the project’s status is uncertain, they are not approved by BTS Bank. Therefore, receiving profits from short-term projects is more secure, and your investment will automatically be received from the system.


We have obtained banking approvals and licenses for investment, capital analysis and evaluation, liquidity management, and more from central banks in the countries we operate in, as well as various unions. For more information, please read our "About Us" page.

We can enter into a contract with you. However, there is no fixed amount for investment, and based on the plans we introduce, you can collaborate with us.